Luna slaps Charlotte, Fanny devastated because Alex goes to prison – More beautiful life April 12, 2022 (episode 4517) | More beautiful life

Luna slaps Charlotte, Fanny devastated because Alex goes to prison - More beautiful life April 12, 2022 (episode 4517) |  More beautiful life

Discover the detailed summary of More beautiful life in advance episode 4517 of Tuesday April 12, 2022 broadcast on France 3. Fanny is desperate, Alexandre goes into pre-trial detention because we could not decide between him and his twin Jérémy. Gabriel struggles as a stretcher-bearer. Luna crosses a line that Charlotte intends to take advantage of.

Read the full PBLV recap season 18 episode 4517 of 04/12/2022 in preview with all the photos from the soap opera Plus belle la vie.

Find it full summary of More beautiful life of Tuesday, April 12, 2022 episode 4517 in advance, 3 days before the broadcast France 3): the recap of the previous episode PBLV 04/11/2022 is online.

Coralie’s DNA was found on the twin brothers’ truncheon. Jérémy and Alexandre return the ball to Boher.

Celine had Gabriel hired under the name Gabriel Marci as a stretcher-bearer so that he would be anonymous.

Sunalee apologizes for the shrunken sweater etc to Luna. She locks him in a room following Charlotte’s request. The latter believes that this is the right solution because she will never let them go on vacation.

Eric and Boher tell Revel that they can’t decide between Jérémy and Alexandre…only one is guilty. The lab calls the prosecutor and confirms that the 2 brothers have the same DNA.

Fanny and Vidal more beautiful life

Fanny thought she was going to find Alexandre but it failed / PBLV in advance episode 4517 of 04/12/2022

Arriving at work, Gabriel’s boss calls him Gaby and gives him lessons in first aid. He says he is in control but his superior tells him “too much confidence kills patients”. Humanity and professionalism are the basis of this profession.

Charlotte More beautiful life

Charlotte makes movies following Luna’s slap

Mirta frees Luna from the room, she comforts her. Luna is exhausted, she has lost all the efforts she had made with Bastien’s children. Mirta advises Luna to talk to Charlotte. The discussion gets out of hand between Charlotte and Luna… exchange of slaps and Charlotte does tons of it by falling to the ground. Bastien takes Charlotte to Vidal.

Mirta more beautiful life

Mirta receives the confidences of Luna who saturates on Charlotte

More beautiful life in advance episode 4517 of April 12, 2022: Gabriel must show humility in his internship and it’s very hard!

Franck has a new visit with Delphine: he announces to her that the police have reopened the investigation and there is a chance that Theo will be cleared.

Celine more beautiful life

Céline tries to give good « vibes » to Gabriel before his 1st day of internship

Fanny tells Vidal that she is convinced that Alexandre is innocent. She thinks that Jeremy will finally disappear from Alex’s life…he was her poison.
Fanny leaves to wait for Alexandre at the exit of the police station: she sees Boher who is taking Alexandre and Jérémy to temporary detention. It is the court that will decide who is guilty.

Bastien asks Luna to apologize because the children won’t understand. Luna thinks Charlotte succeeded, she turned everyone against each other.

Gabriel comes home, he is completely HS and falls asleep while Thomas prepares the aperitif.

Highlights Plus belle la vie of April 12, 2022: what to remember

Gabriel Riva

Gaby must take it upon himself to show humility and patience

– Fanny sees her darling Alexandre go to prison
– Gabriel is exhausted for his first day as a stretcher-bearer where he is nicknamed Gaby
– Luna slaps Charlotte in response to the assault
– Bastien wants Luna to apologize because he can’t take her side

To be continued the complete summary of Plus belle la vie in advance of Wednesday April 13, 2022 with episode 4518.

Comment on the episodes on the More beautiful life forum and find the list of actors in the cast of the series. To note that the stop of Plus belle la vie is a possibility for the end of the season in 2022 due to the ratings at half mast.

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