Marlène Schiappa, a notoriety to put at the service of a new life?

Marlène Schiappa, a notoriety to put at the service of a new life?

Responsible for Gender Equality under Édouard Philippe then Citizenship with Jean Castex, the elected Ile-de-France was not reappointed to the government of Elisabeth Borne.

She knew how to make herself known. Active support of candidate LREM during the 2017 presidential campaign, Marlène Schiappa, now 39, is not however one of the names that were announced by the secretary general of the Élysée, Alexis Kohler, to compose the first government of Elisabeth Borne. An absence of which his entourage had made a point of informing the press a few hours before, suggesting that this situation could be rectified « after the legislative elections« . « So we’ll see by then“, concludes the SMS.

Popularized by her feminist commitment, Marlène Schiappa indeed sat in government during the entire first five-year term of Emmanuel Macron. By first being appointed Secretary of State for Equality between Women and Men, « great cause of the quinquenniumof the Head of State. She then carried the law strengthening the fight against sexual and gender-based violence in the government of Édouard Philippe. Marlène Schiappa is also in charge of the fight against discrimination in the first part of the five-year term.

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In November 2018, she presented a plan against anti-LGBT violence. A year later, she implemented the Grenelle measures against domestic violence. In July 2020, she then became Minister Delegate to the Minister of the Interior, in charge of Citizenship in the government of Jean Castex. Committed against separatism, it affirms for example that the law confirming the principles of the Republic will aim in particular “political islam“, where the choice was made by the executive not to name any religion in the final text.

Committed to secularism

Holder of a universalist line, the one who likes to present herself as the « Minister of Secularismlaunches the “States General of Secularism” in April 2021. In the process, Marlène Schiappa dissolves the Observatory of Secularism, accused of complacency with Islamism. The Minister in charge of Citizenship is at the origin of the operation « Republic Wonders», launched in 2020 for «reward those who are committed to serving others« .

Before being appointed minister, Marlène Schiappa was deputy mayor of Le Mans, in charge of equality, the fight against discrimination and the LGBT charter, and community advisor at Le Mans Métropole in 2014. In 2008, she created the blog « mom workswhich she transformed into an association defending parental equality. She has also published numerous books dealing with feminism, gender equality and maternity in working life. Candidate on the Macronist list for the municipal elections of 2020 in Paris, she did not manage to be elected, unlike the regional ones of 2021, where she obtained a seat as regional councilor for Île-de-France.

Identified by the general public for having participated in numerous entertainment programs, in particular « Touche pas à mon poste » or « Balance ton poste » which she co-hosted with Cyril Hanouna, the now ex-minister could be tempted to put her notoriety at the service of a new life. According to our information, and although she denies it to date, she could, for example, join the C8 channel at the start of the school year to hold her own program there.

SEE ALSO – Ndiaye, Colonna, Abad… the list of ministers in the government of Elisabeth Borne


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