Mental health :signs and solution !!!!

Try the following tips to maintain or regain balance.

1. give importance to yourself:

Treat yourself : Spend time on your favorite hobbies and projects or broaden your horizons. Do a crossword puzzle every day, plant a garden, take dance lessons, learn to play an instrument or master another language.

2. take care of your body:

 Make sure you :

– Eat nutritious meals.

– Avoid smoking and tobacco.

– Drink plenty of water

– which helps reduce depression and anxiety and improve mood.

– Get enough sleep. Researchers believe that lack of sleep contributes to the high rate of depression in students.

3-Surround yourself with good people:

People with strong family or social ties tend to be healthier than those who lack a support network. Arrange for supportive family and friends, or find activities that allow you to meet new people, such as a club, a school class or a support group.

4. Give of yourself:

You’ll feel good when you do something concrete to help someone in need, and it’s a great way to meet new people.

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