more incidents near the Stade de France

more incidents near the Stade de France

Lafont: « we know what we have to do »

At the microphone of RMC, the Nantes goalkeeper, holder this evening, is already focused on his final. « It’s nice to see so many Nantes supporters. It’s up to us to do the job on the pitch. I’m happy that he’s chosen me, it’s up to me to return the favor. I’m going to give it my all so that he’s proud of me and that we win this trophy. The group lives well, we’re a bunch of friends, we’re focused, we know what we have to do. There’s still a lot of work to do. is up to us to give our all. »

Lyon wins the Gambardella

At the end of the suspense, OL triumphed over Caen on penalties at the Stade de France (1-1, 5-3). Mohamed Al Arouch had paved the way for Les Gones and Norman Bassette cracked the first by sending his attempt into the clouds. This is the fourth success of Les Gones in the competition.

>> The match report

The probable composition of the OGCN

Christophe Galtier maintains his 4-4-2, with Bulka in goal.

Bulka – Bard, Dante, Todibo, Lotomba – Gouiri, Rosario, Thuram, Boudaoui – Dolberg, Delort.


An incident near the Stade de France

A new incident broke out this afternoon a few hours before the final of the Coupe de France at the square Diderot in Saint-Denis. The police charged OGC Nice supporters present on the spot. Minor injuries are to be deplored.


Already 39 arrests in Paris

According to police sources at RMC Sport, 39 arrests have taken place since this Saturday noon in the Gare de Lyon sector, and other Parisian sectors.


Nice ultras and law enforcement face each other

Bustling Gare de Lyon. The Nice supporters and the police exchanged a few blows. The tense situation a few minutes ago has calmed down… Some people leaving the Gare de Lyon find themselves blocked by the CRS while waiting for more calm.


Nice supporters Gare de Lyon
Nice supporters Gare de Lyon © RMC Sport

A pre-match marked by clashes

A few hours before kick-off, the atmosphere is tense in the streets of Paris. According to our information, a fight broke out at the exit of the Gare de Lyon. Two minor injuries are to be deplored. The police are currently on site for checks in the area. Contacted by RMC Sport, the bosses of the « Aux Cadrans » brasserie and the Train Bleu pharmacy, where the incident took place, explain that the fight did indeed involve two groups of supporters.

>> More info here

Christophe Galtier’s tribute to Dante

In a press conference, Christophe Galtier paid tribute to his captain Dante, who will play a new final at 38 years old. « Dante is a captain that we look up to with admiration. I did everything so that we could take his place. I did not make his life easy. I have great admiration for what he transmits, what he releases. I am sure that he will become a very great trainer in a few years », praised Galtier, while Dante, a few centimeters away, displayed a broad smile.

>> Galtier’s homage to Dante

Kombouaré’s emotion before the final

The coach of the Canaries, who is playing the final with his favorite club, says he is « serene » and « calm » before the duel against Nice. « It’s something very strong, as far as I’m concerned. It stirs, it gives a lot of responsibility, envy. (…) I have no better way to thank this club and the people who help me. welcomed a kid here, and which allowed me to become what I am today. I think about it every day », he said, marked by emotion.

>> The emotion of Antoine Kombouaré

Memories of Mickaël Landreau

Last Nantes captain to have lifted the Coupe de France, Mickaël Landreau remembers perfectly May 7, 2000, the date of the victory against Calais (2-1). « We won and there, at the end of the match, I went to see Réginald (Becque) and I said to him: ‘Above all, don’t take it badly… it’s to honor your career and the amateur world. If you want to, come with me! I think it could represent your background and why we play football so well!’ I haven’t consulted anyone. »

>> More info here

The former Nice Alexy Bosetti will be at the Stade de France within the Populaire Sud

The Gym still anchored in the heart, Alexy Bosetti will be at the Stade de France this Saturday to attend the final. For RMC Sport, he returned at length to his excitement. « Nice’s first trophy since 1997 was almost my birth, it would be the weekend of a lifetime, not of the season. »

>> Read the full interview

Nantes: the day the 1979 Coupe de France was stolen … by trade unionists from Lorraine

In August 1979, CFDT militants from northern Lorraine came to Nantes on purpose to steal the Coupe de France from La Jonelière. The « criminals » explain that they did not steal the trophy but that they… borrowed it to make people talk about them. « We were trying to invent spectacular things that mark public opinion. We had discreetly inquired: no need to be Arsène Lupin to pull it off! », Confessed a few years later in the local press Robert Giovanardi, the one of the four authors of the « borrowing ». The quartet of steelworkers immortalize their « larceny » by having their photos taken with their faces uncovered and… with balaclavas.

>> Read the full article on this incredible story

Hello everyone !

Welcome to RMC Sport for a live broadcast dedicated to the Coupe de France final. Deprived of a title for years, OGC Nice and FC Nantes will try this Saturday evening to add a fourth Coupe de France to their list. Kick off at 9 p.m.!

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