Nathalie Marquay receives signs from Jean-Pierre Pernaut from beyond!

Nathalie Marquay receives signs from Jean-Pierre Pernaut from beyond!

Jean-Pierre Pernaut, who died on March 2, 2022, left a great void. His wife, Nathalie Marquay, however claims to receive daily signs of the presence of her husband.

On Thursday, May 12, 2022, Nathalie Marquay told the magazine that she received signs from her late husband. For two months, I walked out of the hospital every night at 9 p.m. and the Eiffel Tower was off. The day she died, when I left, she was on, she was shining. That’s where we had our first restaurant date, she recalls.

recurring signs

Nathalie Marquay adds: The next day, I go to my car and, when I turn on the radio, there was his favorite song by Johnny Hallyday, Allumer le feu.

Nathalie Marquay

Lou and Tom Pernaut also involved

The 50-year-old has no problem believing in angels, in life after death. Nathalie Marquay also claims that her children have also witnessed her signs, as if connected to their famous father.

For example, her daughter Lou Pernaut’s television turned on by itself at 1 a.m. There was a movie where a man said, ‘I’m proud of you, girl. And he died right after. Tom Pernaut, who complained of not receiving messages from his father, would have finally been in contact with Jean-Pierre Pernaut. On the evening of the presidential debate, he was in front of a photo where he repeated: Dad, give me a sign, explains Nathalie Marquay. Suddenly, our two televisions stopped dead, the image was frozen. The young man was very moved on the day of his father’s funeral, March 9.

Nathalie Marquay

Nathalie Marquay: She lets herself die!

At 55, Miss France 1987, devastated by the loss of her great love, thinks only of joining Jean-Pierre.

On April 8, the late Jean-Pierre Pernaut would have been 72 years old. For his widow, Nathalie Marquay, it was a painful day, marked by the abysmal suffering of having lost the man of her life. She would have liked so much to wish him this birthday, she who had been preparing this party for so long! Unfortunately, fate decided otherwise.

This lung cancer, which arrived like a galloping horse, ended up taking away the presenter of the 1 p.m. of TF1 in just a few months, leaving his wife devastated. And since March 2, the day of her sudden death, Nathalie has had a hard time getting back on track.

Unrecognizable, she spends hours sobbing on the grave of the deceased.

During the funeral which takes place a week later at the Sainte-Clotilde basilica, in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, Nathalie Marquay shows herself worthy, in particular out of respect for her husband’s fans, who have come en masse to comfort her in this ordeal.

At the end of the ceremony, head held high in front of a pack of excited photographers, she stood alongside her children, Lou and Tom, as the coffin was placed in the hearse before being driven to Picardy, birthplace of the deceased, to be buried there in the strictest privacy.

nathalie marquay

But if she went back on stage ten days after the death of the man she loved for more than twenty years to play in the play Les Tontons farceurs, in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique), she swore, in on the other hand, to no longer come on television sets.

Why did the 50-year-old get back to work so quickly? To honor an oath that Nathalie Marquay had made to her husband, as confided by a relative of the couple to Here: Jean-Pierre made her promise that, if something happened to her, she would continue to play comedy, to cling to her acting career.

Nathalie Marquay

So, in order not to break her word, Nathalie Marquay, admirable in her bravery, strives to honor each date of her tour. Yes, but at what price ! Those who have seen it in the streets of the provincial towns where it occurs can testify to this:

The widow of Jean-Pierre Pernaut, worn out by grief, is very thin. A few days ago, with drawn features, it was in this state that we saw her walking in Châtelaillon-Plage, near La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime), where the play was being played.


Once the curtain has fallen, Nathalie asks only to find her deceased prince charming in the cemetery of Bouvaincourt-sur-Bresle, the village of the Somme where the journalist now rests. What a heartbreaking spectacle for the inhabitants of this village to see her meditate on the tomb of Jean-Pierre.

A distressing spectacle that makes them say that this woman, devastated by grief, asks only to join the remains of the man of her life in this windswept tomb, as in fairy tales, where a prince and a princess love each other for eternity!

nathalie marquay

A being is missing, and everything is depopulated, this single line was enough for Lamartine to formulate the tragedy of having lost the chosen one of his heart. How to live without him, seems to be wondering Lou and Tom’s mother, who realizes that it is not a void that Jean-Pierre has left behind, but an abyss!

Even if, unconsciously, she hopes to join the man she loved more than her soul, Nathalie must also hold out for her children, as well as for Jean-Pierre, to whom Nathalie Marquay has promised to rise to the occasion. Even if grief overwhelms her, the pretty brunette knows she has no right to disappoint the man who believed so strongly in her.

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