Nathalie Marquay widow: this heartbreaking video for the 72 years that Jean-Pierre Pernaut will not celebrate

Nathalie Marquay widow: this heartbreaking video for the 72 years that Jean-Pierre Pernaut will not celebrate

This Friday, April 8, Jean-Pierre Pernaut should have celebrated his 72nd birthday. A sad day for his widow, Nathalie Marquay, who shared a heartbreaking video.

Everything reminds him of Jean-Pierre Pernaut. On March 2, the emblematic presenter of the 13 Hours bowed out. He died at the age of 71 as a result of lung cancer. Heartbreak for his wife, Nathalie Marquay. After more than twenty years of living with her man, the former Miss France must learn to do without this being so dear to her heart. Rather discreet since the death of Jean-Pierre Pernaut, Nathalie Marquay still comes out of her reserve on a few rare occasions in order to thank the fans of her husband for their words. A support that brings him a little balm to the heart. Corn unfortunately this does not alleviate the difficulty of certain dates.

Thus, in mid-March last, she celebrated, alone, her birthday. This time, it is that of JPP that she should have celebrated. This Friday, April 8, Jean-Pierre Pernaut should indeed have blown out his 72nd candle. On this occasion, Lou and Tom Pernaut’s mother shared in a story on her Instagram account a heartbreaking video of their past happiness. Internet users can discover images of Jean-Pierre Pernaut’s 71st birthday, from last year. This one is seated while his dear and tender brings him a birthday cake topped with a sparking candle. Nathalie Pernaut and her loved ones sing a happy birthday. « Difficult day today my love Jean-Pierre, I’m sure you’re celebrating with mom and your brother« , she writes, before entrusting not without emotion: « I love you very much, I miss you so much« .

The poignant words of Nathalie Marquay for Jean-Pierre Pernaut

Since the death of Jean-Pierre Pernaut, Nathalie Marquay tries somehow to resume the course of her life. So she got back on stage. On the other hand, she avoids television sets. Despite his immeasurable pain, Nathalie Marquay had all the same spoken on the antenna of TF1 in order to pay tribute to her late husband. « He was always stronghe always fought for his family, he didn’t want to let go« , assured the mother-in-law of Olivier and Julia. And to continue the tight throat: « He didn’t really want to retire. It was I who told him: ‘The children are grown up, I want us to travel together.’ (…) We were in a hurry to be able to be together, to make an old couple, like everyone. Except that Jean-Pierre was not like everyone else« . Heart touching


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© Christopher Clovis

2/12 –

Jean-Pierre Pernaut and Nathalie Marquay
A sad day for his widow, Nathalie Marquay, who shared a heartbreaking video of their past happiness

© Instagram

3/12 –

Jean-Pierre Pernaut and Nathalie Marquay
We discover Jean-Pierre Pernaut seated on the occasion of his 71st birthday

© Instagram

4/12 –

Jean-Pierre Pernaut
Nathalie Marquay brings Jean-Pierre Pernaut a birthday cake topped with a sparking candle

© Instagram

5/12 –

Jean-Pierre Pernaut
The relatives of Jean-Pierre Pernaut sing him a happy birthday


6/12 –

Nathalie Marquay
« Difficult day today my love Jean-Pierre, I’m sure you’re celebrating it with mom and your brother », writes Nathalie Marquay


7/12 –

Nathalie Marquay and her daughter Lou
And to confide not without emotion: « I love you very much, I miss you so much »


8/12 –

Jean-Pierre Pernaut and Nathalie Marquay
Everything reminds him of Jean-Pierre Pernaut

© Giancarlo Gorassini

9/12 –

Jean-Pierre Pernaut and Nathalie Marquay
After more than twenty years of living with Jean-Pierre Pernaut, Nathalie Marquay must learn to do without this being so dear to her heart


10/12 –

Nathalie Marquay and her son Tom
Rather discreet since the death of Jean-Pierre Pernaut, Nathalie Marquay still comes out of her reserve on a few rare occasions to thank her husband’s fans for their words.

© Jack Tribeca

11/12 –

Nathalie Marquay and Jean-Pierre Pernaut
A support that brings him a little balm to the heart

© Aurelien Morissard

12/12 –

Nathalie Marquay-Pernaut
But unfortunately this does not alleviate the difficulty of certain dates

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