New dust storm hits Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia

New dust storm hits Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia

IN IMAGES, IN PICTURES – The last two dust storms to hit Iraq have killed one person and forced nearly 10,000 people to go to hospitals for treatment of respiratory ailments.

Airports and public administrations in Iraq had to suspend their activities on Monday May 23 due to yet another dust storm, which triggered respiratory problems in more than a thousand people before hitting Kuwait and Saudi Arabia neighbors.

Vehicles drive amid a heavy dust storm in the southern Iraqi city of Nasiriyah on May 23, 2022. Asaad NIAZI / AFP

In Kuwait, the international airport suspended its flights. And for the second time in less than a week, the thick cloud of dust covered the Saudi capital Riyadh and its emblematic monuments, like the Kingdom Center tower. Saudi Civil Defense warned that the storm would persist until nightfall. Since mid-April, Iraq, one of the five countries in the world most vulnerable to the effects of climate change according to the UN, has experienced no less than nine dust and sand storms. Monday in Baghdad, a cloud of grayish dust floated above the almost deserted streets and freed from the usual traffic jams. South of the capital, near Najaf, shepherds and their flocks found themselves enveloped in a now familiar orange halo.

More than a thousand people across Iraq have been treated in hospitals for respiratory ailments, health ministry spokesman Seif al-Badr told AFP. The storm is expected to gradually dissipate, according to weather services. Due « poor weather conditions and the arrival of violent dust stormsPrime Minister Moustafa al-Kazimi had ordered the closure ofpublic institutionswith the particular exception of health departments and security agencies.

A woman walks amid a severe dust storm in Kuwait City on May 23, 2022. Yasser Al-Zayyat / AFP

“272 days of dust”

Due to visibility not exceeding 400 meters, Baghdad airport suspended air traffic for a few hours during the day. Erbil International Airport, in autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan (north), announced in the evening a new closure « due to heavy dustwho was back, according to state news agency INA. Thefts had also ceased there for a few hours earlier in the day. Time and time again, airports have been forced to briefly suspend flights due to storms in recent weeks.

The last two dust storms to hit Iraq killed one person and drove nearly 10,000 people to hospitals for treatment of respiratory ailments. These are mainly the elderly, or individuals with asthma, respiratory failure or heart disease, who are considered to be the categories most at risk, according to health authorities. « These dust storms usually arrive in the summer, but not at the same rate as latelyadmitted Seif al-Hamza, a doctor at a Baghdad hospital. « The cases of suffocation have increased significantly compared to previous seasons.»

Two children settled in temporary tents alongside their herd in the al-Henniyah area of ​​Iraq, during a sandstorm sweeping the country, May 23, 2022. Qassem al-KAABI / AFP

Over the next two decades, Iraq should experience « 272 days of dustper year and in 2050, the 300-day threshold will be reached, according to an official from the Ministry of the Environment. Among the measures recommended to combat this phenomenon, the authorities rightly cite the creation of green belts around cities “that act as windbreaks« , When « desertification affects 39%of the total area of ​​the country, according to President Barham Saleh.


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