New government: Blanquer, Schiappa, Bachelot... what will they do now?

New government: Blanquer, Schiappa, Bachelot… what will they do now?

the essential
Several ministers from Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term were not reappointed to Emmanuel Macron’s government. What are they going to do now?

There are ministers who keep their posts – Bruno Le Maire in the Economy, Gérald Darmanin in the Interior or Eric Dupont-Moretti in Justice for example – the surprises of the new government – Pap Ndiaye in National Education, Rima Abdul-Malak in Culture or Catherine Colonna in Foreign Affairs – and the ministers who have packed their bags.

Several ministers have not been retained in the new government of Elisabeth Borne: Jean-Yves Le Drian the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Florence Parly the Minister for the Armed Forces, Jean-Michel Blanquer the Minister for National Education, Julien Denormandie the Minister of Agriculture, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari the Minister of Transport, Marlène Schiappa the Minister Delegate for Citizenship or Barbara Pompili the Minister for Ecological Transition.

Suffered or desired, these departures will lead these former ministers to give a new direction to their professional lives. Do we know what they will do now?

Jean-Michel Blanquer

Jean-Michel Blanquer had not hidden his probable departure. His successor, the Franco-Senegalese historian Pap Ndiaye, is the surprise of the new government. Jean-Michel Blanquer is the minister in charge of education who has remained in office the longest. Ex-rector, ex-director general of school education, his career did not prevent the challenge of the teachers’ unions. While Pap Ndiaye will have to manage the place of maths in high school as a priority, Jean-Michel Blanquer is embarking on the battle for the legislative elections. He is a candidate in the Loiret in the constituency of Montargis, which voted Marine Le Pen in the majority for the presidential election. A conversion that looks like a poisoned gift.

Roselyne Bachelot

Roselyne Bachelot joined Jean Castex’s government in 2020, eight years after leaving politics. She had accepted because the Ministry of Culture, « it cannot be refused ». At 75, she would have seen herself continue her function at the Ministry of Culture, she who had to manage the consequences of the health crisis for the cultural community more. She gives way to the culture and communication adviser to President Rima Abdul-Malak. Roselyne Bachelot has not announced what her future will be.

Jean-Yves le Drian

The 74-year-old Breton had been in government for ten years, first under François Hollande at Defense and then alongside Emmanuel Macron to lead French diplomacy. Jean-Yves Le Drian did not comment on his departure. He will speak on the occasion of the handover with his successor, Catherine Colonna, this Saturday afternoon at the Quai d’Orsay. As explained West France, Jean-Yves Le Drian had expressed the wish a few months ago to end his career in the service of the State with the end of Emmanuel Macron’s five-year term. Deputy, mayor of Lorient, president of the Brittany region: Jean-Yves le Drian has a political career spanning more than 40 years. The hour of retirement has undoubtedly come.

Florence Parly

The Minister of the Armed Forces had to give up her chair to Sébastien Lecornu. She took office in 2017 to replace Sylvie Goulard, a month after her appointment. This departure from the government, she seemed to expect. « Yb cycle ends », she had commented in Le Figaro may’s beginning. « It’s good that there is a little new blood. It must be said that she chained 200 Defense counsel and 538 trips during five years. « She could stay out of duty or leave without regrets », wrote our colleagues in early May Discreet, serious, former business leader (Air France, SNCF), Florence Parky does not aspire to pursue a political career.

Julien Denormandie

His name had been cited for Matignon since the re-election of Emmanuel Macron. The 42-year-old Lotois, Minister of Agriculture since 2020, is neither Prime Minister nor Minister. He wanted to devote time to his family: his wife and four children. He wants to reserve « most of (his) energy » for them, he wrote on Twitter in a message titled « new chapter ». « It’s the choice of the heart: I missed my family too much and I missed them too much », details Julien Denormandie. Faithful from the start of Emmanuel Macron, Julien Denormandie is a bridge, water and forest engineer. Before entering politics, he was about to join an Axa business incubator.

Marlene Schiappa

« The president is very satisfied with your work since the first day, with your loyalty, with your combativeness ». It is with these words that the secretary general of the Elysée Alexis Kohler began his appeal to Marlène Schiappa, according to the Parisian. Before telling her that she would not be in the next government. Secretary of State for Gender Equality and Minister Delegate for Citizenship, Marlène Schiappa had been alongside Emmanuel Macron since 2017. She summarized her action in a long message on Instagram. Rumors announce her as a host on C8 at the start of the school year what Marlène Schiappa denied. Cyril Hanouna, figure of C8, announced Friday evening that discussions have taken place. “We talked about the future. I told her my desire to make her do television and radio because I think she is made for that. We never went into details. just said what she liked about TV, that she loved testimonial shows, shows that help people.

Jean-Baptiste Djebbari

Even before the announcement of the new government, Transport Minister Jean-Baptiste Djebarri announced his conversion to the private sector. He will join the board of directors of Hopium, the first French manufacturer of high-end hydrogen vehicles. Before entering government in 2019, Jean-Baptiste Djebari was an airline pilot and manager of business aviation companies. He is a graduate of Enac (national school of civil aviation in Toulouse) and of the Polytechnic school.

Barbara Pompili

She had managed to impose herself in Macronie by embodying the environmentalist wing. While the ecological transition is a stated priority for Emmanuel Macron, Barbara Pompili has not been reappointed to the new government. It was she who carried the Climate law after the citizens’ convention. At 46, she is standing in the legislative elections in the Somme with the support of the presidential majority. She also co-leads « In Common », a small party of the left wing of the majority.

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