Nolwenn Leroy at worst, moved and affected by the disappearance of a French singer, rest in peace

Nolwenn Leroy

The artist from the « Star Academy » surprised the public of TF1 by becoming the surprise coach of « The Voice ». During an interview with Télé Star, she returned to her time on the show as well as her feelings about the state of health of Florent Pagny. Indeed, the latter recently revealed his fight against inoperable lung cancer. The 60-year-old singer could also leave the show at the end of this season.

An admiration for Florent Pagny

When our colleagues from Télé Star asked her if she was going to take the place of Florent Pagny, Nolwenn Leroy’s response was unequivocal.

“No one can or would want to take Florent’s place! He’s the perfect coach. He takes no detours. He says what’s on his mind and it works because it’s expressed in a sincere way. He’s the only one in the business who can behave like this,” she explains.

The least we can say is that the mother of little Martin did not go there by four paths to declare all the good that she thinks of the jury of “The Voice”.

“Everything is going well, because he is never in the calculation. He only speaks from the heart and that’s really ‘The Voice,' » she said.

Nolwenn Leroy will be present in « The Voice Kids »

When talking about her participation in tele-hook, she remained mysterious. She was just content to remind that she will be present for the final. And this, regardless of the finalists. On Saturday May 21, 2022, it was Nour, the talent of Florent Pagny, who won the eleventh edition of the TF1 tele-hook.

If nothing has yet been decided for the next edition, the 39-year-old singer has already announced that she will be present at « The Voice Kids ».

« It was part of what I call the ‘missed appointments’ that I could not honor with this program, » she confided.

An album to pay tribute to a friend

In November 2021, Nolwenn Leroy unveiled her new album, the cover of which stood out. This work entitled “La Cavale” was written in collaboration with Benjamin Biolay.

By baptizing his album in this way, the artist wanted to pay tribute to Christophe. The latter died in 2021 in his city of heart in Brest (Finistère). During the revelation of her eighth album, Nolwenn Leroy was received by Michel Drucker on the show Vivement Dimanche.

During this passage on France 2, the companion of Arnaud Clément has of course spoken of Christophe with Michel Drucker. The presenter did not fail to point out that the deceased breathed his last « at home ».

The disappearance of this great figure of French song has moved the singer who was close to her during her lifetime. She remembered their moments spent during her visit to Michel Drucker.

“We were all stunned by this terrible news. We spent time together, a few dinners. We also worked together on a song in tribute to Balavoine, ”she recalled.

They were very close

Even if it was through their art that they met, Nolwenn Leroy and Christophe shared many passions. Among them, there is the love of their region, Auvergne. Indeed, even if the interpreter of “Mon beau corsaire” is known for her Breton origins, she also has Auvergne roots through her mother.

« La Cavale » was composed during periods of confinement. Nolwenn Leroy wanted to express her sadness through songs during these times when travel was restricted. As she emphasized during her appearance on public service television, this album is a way for the singer to pay tribute to her deceased friend.

“I also spoke to him a lot about my Brittany, which he knew less, and the fact of seeing him go there, to this region we were talking about, knowing him alone at that time and the context which was terrible, I had to pay homage to him, ”she confided.

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