Pap Ndiaye: who is his partner Jeanne Lazarus?

Pap Ndiaye: who is his partner Jeanne Lazarus?

Pap Ndiaye was appointed Minister of National Education this Friday, May 20. The opportunity to discuss his private life and in particular Jeanne Lazarus, his wife.

Monday May 16, Emmanuel Macron put an end to a suspense of several days by appointing Elisabeth Borne as Prime Minister, a few hours after the resignation of Jean Castex. An announcement that has not gone unnoticed since in thirty years, no woman had held this position. This Friday, May 20, the reshuffle was mentioned and it was Pap Ndiaye who was appointed Minister of National Education and Youth. He therefore replaces Jean-Michel Blanquer, who has held this position since May 2017. In terms of private life, the new minister shares his life with Jeanne Lazarus. But who is she? Jeanne Lazarus is a sociologist, researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and member of the Center for the Sociology of Organizations at Sciences Po. As indicated on the school’s website, his research focuses on household money and banking policies. She has published a book titled The money test. Very happy for several years, the couple had two children.

Pap Ndiaye was born on October 25, 1965 in Hauts-de-Seine. He is a French historian, specialist in the social history of the United States and minorities. He studied at the École Normale Supérieure in Saint-Cloud, is an associate professor in history but also holds a doctorate from the École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), where he is a lecturer. In 2012, he was promoted to professor at the Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po). In 2021, Pap Ndiaye became general manager of the Palais de la Porte-Dorée and he directs the Museum of the History of Immigration. On the occasion of this appointment, he confided in the columns of Le Monde and indicated that his main concern was not to « no longer put pieces of our history under the rug« . More recently, it was in an interview with Ouest-France that he regretted that « migration history has been set aside in France » before adding: « Immigration issues have no place in the national narrative. However, it is essential if we want to understand our history« . As a reminder, Emmanuel Macron had said that the school was one of his biggest projects for his second term. Pap Ndiaye therefore has a very important role to play.

Pap Ndiaye: what important subject particularly touched him?

During his career, Pap Ndiaye published several texts, evoking in particular the fact of being black in France. More recently, he drew attention by mentioning police violence in France. He had explained that the situation was far from concerning only the United States. In June 2020, he declared, in an interview granted to France Inter, that « the attitude of denial regarding police violence in France is quite classic, and has been for a long time: there would be police violence in the United States, but not in France« . A subject that is particularly close to his heart.


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© Lionel Urman

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Pap Ndiaye
An appointment that was announced this Friday, May 20.

© Lionel Urman

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Pap Ndiaye
Pap Ndiaye is a household name.

© Lionel Urman

4/12 –

Pap Ndiaye
On the private side, he is very happy with Jeanne Lazarus.

© Lionel Urman

5/12 –

Pap Ndiaye
Both are very happy.

© Facebook

6/12 –

Pap Ndiaye
Pap Ndiaye succeeds Jean-Michel Blanquer.

© Stephane Lemouton

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Jean-Michel BlanquerJean-Michel Blanquer
Jean-Michel Blanquer has been the minister since 2017.

© Stephane Lemouton

8/12 –

Jean-Michel Blanquer
The handover took place at 6 p.m.

© Giancarlo Gorassini

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Jean-Michel Blanquer
His successor has a full CV.

© Stephane Lemouton

10/12 –

Jean-Michel Blanquer
Jean-Michel Blanquer congratulated him on his appointment.

© Stephane Lemouton

11/12 –

Jean-Michel Blanquer
Jean-Michel Blanquer has been talked about a lot.

© Stephane Lemouton

12/12 –

Jean-Michel Blanquer
Some of his decisions have been challenged.

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