Production accused of fraudulent maneuvers!

Production accused of fraudulent maneuvers!

In addition, its audience at 12 noon shots continues to grow as it attracts more and more viewers to the TF1 television channel.

Everyone has their own vision of the show 12 noon shots. Indeed, some viewers only watch the show for fun and others are glued to the show to support the contestants. In any case, everyone finds pleasure in watching it. Especially people who like to broaden their knowledge thanks to the questions posed by Jean-Luc Reichmann.

12 noon shots

The 12 noon shots start cheating

However, the questions seem to be well chosen during the tests. It’s even possible that the production of the 12 noon strokes gives special treatment to the masters of the noon. Champion Marion is one of them because the last duel was very tight. The victory should have been won by his adversary. However, a trick question caused him to lose this round.

Fan reaction to cheating

According to fans, this isn’t the first time the 12 noon shots show has cheated on a champion’s opponent during trials. Viewers had already noticed it two months before. And yet, the situation repeats itself day after day. That’s why fans have denounced this dubious maneuver on Twitter again and again.

The followers of 12 noon shots shared on the networks that there was a duel of shenanigans. In addition, they wonder if there is a change in the flow of proposals for the killing blow for the champion to stay. Some even tweeted that it’s a thieves show that aims to set a huge trap to protect the champ. After this scandal, fans of the show wonder if there really are no-cheat shows on TV.

Marion’s undeserved victory in 12 noon shots

Marion’s defeat was close during the blow by blow in 12 noon shots against Laurent, her opponent who is a professor of philosophy. Indeed, she had just failed two questions. It was now Laurent’s turn to answer the trick question posed by Jean-Luc Reichmann. The teacher didn’t give the right answer, although he was sure of it. Indeed, he answered Sabrina to the question Who sang Boys, boys, boys?, while the correct answer was Lady Gaga.

Zette explained that it wasn’t the 80s song called Boys but the song performed by Lady Gaga.

Hence the reason for all the discontent on social networks. Suddenly, the fans think that there is always a rotten question ready with the production of the 12 noon shots to keep the person they want.

Les 12 coups de midi (TF1): Who was hiding behind the mysterious star? Clues explained.

While the day before yesterday, the production accused Marion of favoritism, she finally discovered who was hiding behind the mystery star. Without further ado, we reveal the identity of this celebrity and explain the meaning of each of the clues.

Yesterday, we revealed to you that Internet users were unhappy with the production of 12 noon shots, which they accused of favoritism towards Marion. While Marion, the host of the show, had just missed two questions during the blow by blow, Jean-Luc Reichmann asked Antoine, his challenger, Who sang Boys, boys, boys?.

mysterious star

The candidate answered Sabrina as one might have expected, even if the question hid a small subtlety. Zette, the show’s voiceover, explained that the 1980s song was called Boys and that the title of the question Jean-Luc asked was sung by Lady Gaga and not Sabrina. It was enough for the Twittos to read on the social network that now we really see that they wanted the Master of Midi to win with this subtlety.

A not so mysterious star

That said, nothing and no one will disturb Marion’s happiness at having finally discovered who was hiding behind the mysterious star.

Recall that the clues were as follows: a make-up kit and lipstick, a London underground station called Chalk Farm, a microphone with a cap on which one could read Press, a yellow transistor, a steamer, a high chair for baby and a tire.

Marion had suggested many names, including that of the singer Adele for example. In reality, it is Philippe Lellouche, Gilles’ brother. As for the clues, each had a specific meaning. The Underground was a reference to his stage play The Calling of London, the microphone was a reference to his years as a journalist, and the tire was a reference to his show Top Gear.

12 strokes of noon

For the liner index, we thought of the film Welcome aboard with Valérie Lemercier. The make-up set was a reference to her fellow make-up artist and hairstylist, while the baby’s high chair was a reference to her play Le Jeu de la Vérité. Finally, the transistor was a way of remembering that Philippe Lellouche worked on France Inter and RMC. Not so complicated, really?

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