“She made me lose my smile and my joie de vivre”

Frédérick («Mariés au premier regard») divorce d’Émilie: «Elle m’a fait perdre mon sourire et ma joie de vivre»

INTERVIEW – The 40-year-old real estate agent living in Hyères in the Var has put an end, by mutual agreement, to his marriage with the mother of little Lina. After a promising meeting in Gibraltar, the couple was quickly weakened by misunderstandings and disputes.

An assiduous viewer of “Married at first sight” on M6, Frédérick took part in the sixth season with the hope of rebuilding his life and starting a lasting love story. Father of a 14-year-old daughter, the Varois met and married Émilie, a 36-year-old real estate negotiator living near Paris and young mother of a little Lina born in early 2021. A story which, under the sun of Gibraltar, had started well but which unfortunately ended after a cloudy honeymoon in Prague and a stormy return to France. “Émilie was not in the best conditions to tackle this adventurehe told us. She was on edge, impulsive, excessive and sometimes even irrational. She is centered on herself, she wants to attract attention by giving the impression of carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. She spends her time complaining, nothing ever goes right… » And to wish him « Find a person who lives up to your expectations ».

” READ ALSO – “The images and sentences chosen for the broadcast are misleading”: the annoyance of Bruno of “Married at first sight”

LE FIGARO. – What was your romantic past like before approaching the experience of “Married at first sight”, why do you live away from your daughter?
Frederick. –
I only had long and beautiful relationships interspersed with periods when I needed to find myself. I stayed with my daughter’s mother for five years and we separated when Ambre was barely a year old. Before, I lived next to the institute of Draveil where she had her room and, until she was 11 years old, I was able to go to see her three times a week (Amber suffers from a neurological disease called the syndrome of West, editor’s note). Unfortunately, his mother left to live in Switzerland without consulting me and I have been in this situation for four years. I go to see Amber once a month…

What were your first impressions on discovering Émilie and her baby in Gibraltar?
I immediately notice her very beautiful look, she was very beautiful in her wedding dress. I found him very gentle in the way he spoke to me. Learning that she was the mother of little Lina and discovering her story, I told myself that she was going to understand my situation with my own daughter. We quickly identified our common points in the first moments and our rapprochement was natural.

Everything went well between you until this last evening of the honeymoon in Prague, how could a simple joke become the starting point of a big argument?
I don’t know… Everything was done to ensure that it went well and that we fully lived our love story. We were married but we didn’t know each other, we were at the stage of discovering each other’s character. In this experience, I knew that I could meet a sincere woman but I could just as well be confronted with a woman who is just looking to create a buzz to bounce back afterwards. So I was suspicious and observant. With my daughter, I’m used to decoding non-verbal language and I have a good understanding of human behavior. With Émilie, I had doubts and I had discussed them off-camera with her. When I told her my joke, she turned those doubts against me wondering if I was doing this joke for the buzz. It blocked me. When she understood that I did not accept her remark, she got angry and wanted to stop everything. I took my shoes and went for a walk for an hour and a half.

“The film crews were in tears after listening to us”

Frédérick from “Married at First Sight”

By the next day, the situation seemed to have calmed down after your breakfast discussion…

We talked for two hours, we confided in each other a lot and we were so in our bubble that we weren’t even aware of the presence of the cameras around us. The film crews were in tears after listening to us. I wanted us to move forward together and I apologized to him.

Once in France, how did you experience the distance, Émilie being in Paris and you in the South in the Var?
It wasn’t a problem, I had been in a long distance relationship before. The important thing was to maintain a minimum of our communication each day by saying hello in the morning and telling each other about our day in the evening. It’s true that not having heard from his wife for even a day bothers me. Even before meeting me, Émilie had considered coming to settle in the South of France, so we had the possibility of getting closer. It was looming.

Do you have any memories of the few days spent in Paris with Émilie?
She welcomed me very well and integrated me into this threesome life with Lina. I discovered her daily life as a young mother and I shared with her my own experience as a father. Émilie is a very protective mother with her daughter who was 7-8 months old at the time, she tended to systematically want to go to her room when she was crying and I advised her not to intervene each time so as not to create bad habits. I had been there with Ambre and I suggested to Emilie to let go sometimes. Every night, I was by her side and I got involved in taking care of Lina. And I loved it.

Unfortunately, once back home, new arguments will break out between you…
One evening, I was waiting to hear from her because she was coming home late and I got worried. When she called her, she answered me with the voice of someone who had fallen asleep and she braced herself, telling me that she was accountable to no one. And if there’s one thing I hate, it’s being hung up on me, I interpret it as a refusal to communicate.

« Having a strong character does not justify differences in language »

Frédérick from “Married at First Sight”

Did you hope that your appointment with Estelle Dossin would solve your relationship problems?

No, because Emilie had openly disrespected me and something had broken inside me. There had been words off. Having a strong character does not justify differences in language. We were supposed to shoot on a Friday but little Lina had to go to the emergency room the day before. I immediately flew to join them and kindly informed the production that given the situation, we preferred to cancel the day of shooting. By playing the voice notes of my exchanges to Émilie, she began to tell me that I was playing the lamb, that I was not a man and that I had no balls because she thought that I had lacked firmness with the production. Because she, during the day, had also contacted the film crews to ask the same thing but with more aggressiveness.

What was the point of no return?
It is first of all these repeated outbursts of anger that are real fireworks. Then she repeated to me several times that Lina was not my daughter and that I therefore had nothing to say to her. It’s the complete opposite of what she told me in Prague and it was unacceptable to hear that. Finally, she got her mother on the phone and told her in front of me that I was not a man, that I had no balls, that I was a manipulator, that I was playing the lamb with the production… Emilie’s family is exceptional, I loved them all, they are golden people. It was inadmissible to hear him talk about me like that to his mother. I took my things and left.

You met in Hyères to mutually announce your wish to divorce…
We haven’t spoken to each other for a week. I felt like on our wedding day in Gibraltar, I still had that little hope of starting from scratch. But I quickly realized that she wasn’t there to fix things. She wanted to leave with honors. When I spoke to her about her lack of respect, about these remarks made in front of me and with her mother, she replied: “But what are you talking about Fred? Why are you lying? ». From there, I got up, told the production that it was no longer possible, took off my wedding ring, put it on the table and was about to leave when she asked me. insulted again. She told me in front of the cameras that I was a big jerk and that I should be ashamed… I was disgusted. Emilie made me lose my smile and my joie de vivre.

SEE ALSO – The Buzz TV Magazine with Emilie, candidate of « Married at First Regard »


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