Started on April 7, the trial of Elie Domota continues this Thursday at the

Started on April 7, the trial of Elie Domota continues this Thursday at the

A continuing trial which follows the arrest last December of the union leader on one of the hot spots of the demonstrations of December 30, 2021. Elie Domota is being prosecuted for violence against a person holding public authority without incapacity.

After the hearing of the first five witnesses during the first part of the trial on April 7, the court proceeded this Thursday to the hearing of new witnesses.
It is a question of redrawing the circumstances during which the facts which are reproached to Elie Domota took place.
That day, the union leader and several other demonstrators had tried to break through a roadblock set up by the security forces.
This Thursday, it is therefore the last two witnesses who are called to the bar of the Judicial Court of Pointe-à-Pître.

Continuation of Elie Domota's trial


©M. country house

First, Professor Philippe Verdol, Lecturer in Economics at the University of the West Indies. He first wanted to return to the violence suffered by the Guadeloupean population on a daily basis. As an example he chose contamination with chlordecone. An argument very far removed from the case dealt with today, but his testimony seemed to be of certain interest for the Defense of the defendant, to reach the conclusion that Guadeloupeans were considered second-class citizens. More than an hour of presentation all the same.

The court then proceeds to the hearing of the second witness, Pascal Anne-Marie, also the victim of an arrest during another demonstration, in front of the CHU of Pointe-à-Pître.

It is then Elie Domota’s turn to speak. He is questioned by his lawyers. Responding to a question about his childhood, the leader of the LKP cannot contain his emotion. Tears overwhelm him. Memories that transport him years back. He then evokes a miserable childhood, difficult times still engraved in his memory.
To conclude and explain his presence at the bar of the court, with this quote from Jean de La Fontaine: “Depending on whether you are powerful or miserable, the court judgments will make you white or black”

It is 1:15 p.m. when the hearing is adjourned. It resumes at 2 p.m. with the pleadings of the civil party. She asks for a symbolic euro for damages.

Place in the indictment of the public prosecutor. A requisition interrupted by one of the defense lawyers which leads the president of the court to suspend the hearing… Just 10 minutes…

On resumption, the prosecutor evokes a hostage-taking of the court to make it a political platform by Elie Domota. According to him, a way of diverting Guadeloupe’s speech. After recalling the facts, the prosecutor recognizes that the procedure for arresting the defendant is not perfect. He also asks for release on the notion of « submitting to the police » but retains the notion of « voluntary violence without ITT » by coming into contact with the gendarme. He requires a fine of 3000 euros.

A new suspension of hearing is then decided before the pleadings of the defense lawyers.

It is Me Sarah Aristide who launches the pleadings of the defense lawyers. She demonstrates, by re-reading the report of the defendant’s arrest, that at no time is it mentioned that he hit a policeman or committed violence. She therefore asks for total release for all of the charges against her.

In the same vein, Me Joselaine Gélabale speaks directly to the prosecutor, telling him that he had made a mistake in his procedure because it was necessary to cut off the head of the movement.
Then the other lawyers take the floor. My Tacita father and son but also Master Chevry and all the others, and that to come to the same conclusion: There are no acts of violence in this file. And to make the same request: relaxation, pure and simple…


The court’s decision has been reserved for June 28.

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