the incredible run of a repeat criminal and a prison officer in Alabama

the incredible run of a repeat criminal and a prison officer in Alabama

Since April 29, Vicky White and Casey White have been on the run after the former, a model prison officer, helped the criminal, described as extremely dangerous, to escape from an Alabama prison.

It is a run on a background of romance that has held America in suspense for a week. On one side is a model little prison official, close to sixty and with a swaying gait; on the other, a multi-recidivist colossus of 2.06 m, with a shaved head, described as extremely dangerous. Vicky White, 56, and Casey White, 38, have the same name but are not related. The first helped the second to escape on April 29 from an Alabama prison and, since then, the improbable duo has been driving American law enforcement crazy.

Their operation seems to have been thought out down to the smallest detail. And the surprise effect was total. Who would have thought to be wary of Vicky White, who has never made waves within the prison administration of Florence, a small town in this state in the south of the United States? “She never did anything. I bet she never even got a speeding ticket. »his mother, incredulous, told a local channel, WAAY31. « Model employee » according to the sheriff, described by the county attorney as « the most reliable person in prison »the one who oversaw prisoner transfers for the Lauderdale County Sheriff is now one of the most wanted people in the country.

“A very well thought out plan”

When she shows up at the Florence prison on Friday morning to take Casey White away, under the false pretense of a psychological evaluation in court, a vehicle is already waiting for her parked in the parking lot of a nearby shopping centre, which she bought in anticipation of the run. Investigation revealed that she had used an assumed name to purchase the SUV. On the remote surveillance images of the prison, however, nothing suggests that the tattooed giant and the prison official are in cahoots. She holds the door for him but doesn’t give him a look until the moment to get him in chains, feet and hands, aboard his police car. Then, she carefully closes the door and the vehicle drives away shortly after 09:30. Their disappearance will only be discovered several hours later, around 3:30 p.m. The investigators launched in their pursuit seem distanced.

The fugitives were last seen Friday, April 29, the day of the escape, about 40 miles from prison in a rust-colored Ford SUV. The rust-colored SUV the pair got away with was identified not far from Nashville, Tennessee, about a two-hour drive from the jail, Lauderdale County Sheriff Rick Singleton said Friday. of a press conference. The vehicle had in fact been discovered abandoned on the same day of the escape, last Friday, and towed away without the impound officer realizing it was the wanted car. It took until Thursday evening for her to be identified.

“We are sort of back to square one”, said the sheriff, explaining that he did not know by what means of transport Vicky White and Casey White had continued their run. There was not « nothing in the car » which allows to direct the research, he also indicated, noting that there had been « an attempt to repaint » the vehicle. “It was a very well thought out plan“, he let go. “We are a little distraught”. The Williamson County Sheriff, where the SUV was discovered, had earlier tweeted that there was no « no sign that the two (wanted persons) are still in the area ». Vicky White could also have dyed her hair, warned the federal agency specialized in the search for fugitives, by broadcasting a montage showing her with dark hair.

« Special Relationship »

The hunt fascinates Internet users in the region, who went back to the dealership where Vicky White had bought this car. The seller was bombarded with criticism, so much so that the authorities had to make an update on Wednesday, assuring that he had provided valuable assistance to the investigation and that “no one at the dealership (was) suspected of having helped” both Whites. The elements unfavorable to the official have accumulated for six days. We learned that she had recently sold her house at a discount, pocketing $95,000. After 17 years of good and loyal service to the sheriff, she had also announced that she was retiring … and Friday was precisely her last day. Without confirming her dismissal, the sheriff assured Wednesday that she was not « no longer employed » by his services.

The story, possibly of love, had begun in 2020. Casey White, who was serving a 75-year sentence in state prison for kidnapping, burglary and attempted murder, among other things, suddenly comes out responsible for the murder of a woman five years earlier. The confessions are short-lived – he will eventually plead not guilty in this still ongoing case – but trigger his transfer to Lauderdale County Jail, where he is served with arraignment for the murder and where he meets Vicky White for the first time. He is sent back to his original prison after an escape plan, but the pair keep in touch. “He told me he was writing to someone but I had no idea who it was”said his mother, Connie White, at the New York Post. He returned to Florence prison in February this year, to attend a court hearing nearby.

For several months the inmate then took advantage of what Sheriff Rick Singleton described as « special relationship » with Vicky White. “We have no evidence of any physical relationship”notes the sheriff, but the other prisoners denounced « privileges »of « rab » in the canteen and the « things she did for him and not for others ». “A preferential treatment”he summarizes, for a man « extremely dangerous » and now on the run. Authorities believe he may be in possession of multiple firearms, including Vicky White’s service weapon, according to Fox News. Police have released new photos of inmate Casey White, including one showing a tattoo associated with a white supremacist prison gang depicting a Confederate flag, a symbol of the southern United States’ slave past. “He is very dangerous, for everyone around him”, confirms a former girlfriend. She delivered the following advice to Vicky White: « If you’re still alive, get the hell out. Run, run, run as fast as you can”.

SEE ALSO – In the United States, a prison escape filmed in broad daylight


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