the island of Stromboli ravaged by a fire probably started for the filming of a series

the island of Stromboli ravaged by a fire probably started for the filming of a series

The volcanic island, located north of Sicily, served as the setting for the series Civil protection, to be broadcast on Rai, the Italian radio-television. But the ignorance of the teams caused the destruction of 50% of the local vegetation.

« Even the volcano had never caused us so much damage ». On the volcanic island of Stromboli, located in the north of Sicily, the hour is with consternation after the immense fire which destroyed 50% of the local vegetation and caused damage estimated at 50 million euros. The anger of the islanders is all the greater since, according to the first elements of the investigation, the fire was started by the filming of a series, entitled Civil protection, and whose broadcast was planned on Rai, the Italian radio-television.

« They destroyed a mountain to shoot a scene for a Rai series. We are shocked and speechless », spoke to journalists from La Repubblica Carlo Lanza, an inhabitant of the island.

A fire spread by the sirocco

It all starts Wednesday, May 26 in the morning. As mentioned by dozens of witnesses interviewed by the Milanese daily Corriere della Sera, the technical teams go up the mountain to light a fire, for the needs of the filming. Series Civil Protection is inspired by this Italian rescue service, whose objective is to deal with natural disasters and assist the population.

“They went up to the Timpone area to try out a fire scene. There were also two men from the island helping those in production. are spread quickly, because of the sirocco. They were however told not to do it, but they did not pay attention », says Rosaria Cincotta, extra in the series.

It is therefore the sirocco, this very dry and very hot Saharan wind, which would have participated in spreading the fire, and causing immense damage. « On the island, there is no longer a blade of grass. It is a miracle that there are no victims », explained, still at the Corriere della sera, Marco Girogianni, the mayor of Lipari, a municipality on which Stromboli depends. The headquarters of the local civil protection was also destroyed by the flames.

Without a permanent fire station on their island, the people of Stromboli had to deal with the fire on their own for several hours, before a helicopter and a Canadair were dispatched from Catania, in neighboring Sicily.

Rai rejects all responsibility

The anger of the inhabitants against the film crews is great. « It was supposed to be a controlled fire in a nature reserve. But it got out of control », analyzes Roberta Denti, a Milanese journalist based on the island, whose testimony was collected by the Corriere della Sera.

« They were doing it with great lightness. They simulated a fire for a scene, but it was without the control of the firefighters, » said Italian civil protection chief Salvatore Cocina.

The Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto public prosecutor’s office opened an investigation, and the carabinieri, the local gendarmerie, heard from many witnesses, including the director. The Italian actress Ambra Angiolini, star of the series and who appeared in the days preceding the drama at the filming location, would have promised a fundraiser to the inhabitants.

As for Rai, it was summoned to explain itself, the series having to be broadcast on its antennas. But in a terse press release broadcast on May 26, Italian public television denied any responsibility for the fire, pointing the finger at the production company « 11 marzo ». Not enough to satisfy the inhabitants of Stromboli.

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