the platinum jubilee of Elizabeth II seen by the franceinfo correspondent in London

the platinum jubilee of Elizabeth II seen by the franceinfo correspondent in London

« I know the Queen ». He pulled it out with a mischievous little smile, proud of its effect. Because it stopped me cold, of course. My neighbour, whom I had only known for a few weeks, confided in me this between a slice of foie gras and a paubaji (he is Indian and our exchanges are based a lot on gastronomy). Then he finished his sentence:… But she doesn’t know me », and he burst out laughing. I smiled, a little annoyed at having fallen into the trap, also a little disappointed to see this door open to Elizabeth II close.

Since then, I regularly think of this sentence. Anyone can pronounce it, anywhere in the world. The Queen of England, this queen, is a superstar. Who can sit at his table and shout « Am I as famous as you? » Nobody ! First because no one talks to him like that. And then because on fame, apart from Barack Obama, Lionel Messi or Kanye West, I don’t see who can compete. Except that these little youngsters have twenty years of celebrity on the counter when she celebrates her 70 years of reign.

I’ve been living in his kingdom for almost two years, and his family comes regularly to the discussions. Whether with fishermen in Ramsgate, in the east of England, voters in Northern Ireland, students in Edinburgh, traders in London… I sometimes hear extremely violent criticism of Prince Charles or his grandson William, the successors to the throne, but she is still spared. She has become the nation’s grandmother and few dare to speak ill of her. Even the most republican, those who want the abolition of the monarchy, target their criticism on its children, grandchildren, cousins, whom they consider incapable, useless or even harmful.

« We can’t go after her directly, it would be counterproductive. »

A leader of the « Labour for Republic » group

at franceinfo

Elizabeth II, 96, is there, like this massive oak tree that sits in the garden of British families. The one where we hung a swing for the kids, engraved a heart in adolescence, set up happy and funny tables under its large branches to share a « sunday roast »; the one in whose shadow we browse The Sun caressed by a gentle breeze, which any Frenchman would call a polar blizzard, but the relationship to temperature is different here. 70 years that she is in the landscape: the British have, almost all, known only this monarch. Like this tree, soon to be a hundred years old, she does not move and is careful not to take part in the discussions which sometimes inflame her kingdom.

His speeches are rare, especially in recent years, and some would consider them completely empty, worthy of a speech by the UN Secretary General. Moreover, the « royal specialists » most often find themselves interpreting understatements, gestures, outfits… The least prudent, and undoubtedly the least reliable, lend her strong opinions on subjects on which she has not never expressed publicly.

In 2014, the Scots are called upon to decide in a referendum on independence: should we leave the United Kingdom? The queen speaks and enjoins them « to think about » before voting. We can obviously think that she wants to keep Scotland in her kingdom, where she spent so many summers in Balmoral Castle. But this is the maximum of his public commitment.

His silences lend themselves to 1,000 interpretations and it’s a very popular game here, pages and pages in the newspapers, hours on television… We play a lot, and very seriously, trying to guess what’s deep in our minds. Elizabeth II on this or that subject. A bit like the French do: « What would General de Gaulle say? ». Except that here, the legend is alive.

As such the successful series The Crown, on Netflix, is a perfect example. The whole world, and the British in particular, feast on these four seasons (the fifth coming soon), where we discover the daily life of the queen. Robert Lacey, one of the production consultants, enjoys an excellent reputation among Windsor connoisseurs. But no more than the others, he does not know what Winston Churchill and Elizabeth II really said to each other during their weekly meetings. They were only two in the room and neither is likely to pour out with the production. These discussions are however largely staged, which does not fail to provoke debate and anger here. So much so that Peter Morgan, the creator of The Crown, and the actors are obliged to remind regularly that this is a fiction inspired by real events. Certainly not an exhaustive and rigorous biography.

But nothing helps. Here, each episode is dissected, criticized. We were even able to read the mail of an embittered reader in the Daily Telegraph Last year. He pointed to a heresy in his eyes that destroyed the entire credibility he could give to the series. Prince Charles was seen on a fishing trip, or « it is obvious that with such a disastrous technique, it is impossible to catch any fish. » The royal family drives people crazy and they are never so loved as when they remain mysterious. In any case, this is what pleases the woman who has been leading it since 1952.

Elizabeth II does not give a lesson, does not say what to think. Nobody knows his opinion on Boris Johnson, Brexit, the space race or the management of Liverpool fans at the Stade de France. She is the queen of England and of « small talk », this British art of small talk that starts from nothing and arrives nowhere, in which she excels.

« We spent seven hours together, seven one-hour dates, and I don’t clearly remember any topics we discussed. »

Antony Williams, portrait painter to the Queen in 1996

at franceinfo

Those who have met her have noticed her sense of humor which is said to be lively, sometimes scathing. But no one remembers precisely one of his projections. His very presence imposes so much that his interlocutors find themselves in a state of stress which undoubtedly makes them find hilarious the slightest intervention supposed to relax the atmosphere.

She has gone through 70 years meeting the greats of this world and what declaration or decision will have really marked her passage? It is not with this monetarist approach that one should approach the incredible bond that she has woven with her people. A bond that eroded in the 90s. The peak of this crisis of confidence comes with the death of Diana. « The Princess of Hearts » had conquered public opinion. When she died in Paris on August 31, 1997, the trauma across the Channel was immense. Elizabeth II does not speak immediately, does not grasp the need to address her subjects. Pushed to make a declaration, a few days later, a few days too late, on September 5, the kingdom was disunited in the face of this monarch deemed harsh, too distant.

Queen Elizabeth II and her son Prince Andrew during a mass at Westminster Abbey in London (United Kingdom) on March 29, 2022 (RICHARD POHLE / POOL)

25 years later, the bond is restored and nothing seems to be able to break it. Even when she defends her son involved in the Epstein affair. Prince Andrew, accused of sexual assault on a minor, paid several million to the victim to avoid a trial. His mother helped him financially, therefore, the British taxpayers can be considered to have contributed. The country did not flinch. No more when she arrives and leaves on his arm during one of his recent outings to Westminster Abbey. She knows too well the power of symbols, this gesture is obviously a support displayed to the one who is described as his favorite son. Today, Andrew is hated by public opinion, not his mother.

Likewise in the midst of a pandemic, when she sends a message to the nation. It reassures, encourages, congratulates. Far from the decision-makers who are tearing each other apart, from heated debates. She speaks simple words in a reassuring setting. For a few moments, she covers the country with a comfortable plaid. She is this grandmother who serves you too much syrup and soft cookies in a beautiful metal box, the same for 40 years, and who creates a timeless moment.

But we realize that over the years. The younger ones are less tender. This kid, a pupil of an Anglican school, recites his lesson at the evocation of the queen: « She has a lot of responsibilities, she can declare war or end it. She is very important to us. » But apart from this learned couplet, he has a hard time giving examples that show his real attachment to this « grandmother who seems to know a lot of things. » To the question, treacherous it must be admitted, « Would you rather watch platinum jubilee celebrations or play video games? » The response, this time spontaneous, fuses: « Video games ! » 70 years of reign do not resist in the face of FIFA 22 or the princess Zeldawho is not even 40 years old.

At the death of Elizabeth II, because it will be necessary to resolve to see her leave one day, the void will be immense. The British have lost sight that their anthem will not be God save the Queen for life. It will, one day soon, become again God save the King and the British monarchy is going to live through complicated days. After these decades on the throne, she is no longer just « the Queen », she has become the institution itself, she is « the Crown ».

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