this revelation about Elon Musk is very bad news for Amber Heard

this revelation about Elon Musk is very bad news for Amber Heard

Yes Elon Musk wanted to help Amber Heard in the past, when the two rubbed shoulders, it is very likely that the billionaire no longer wants to get involved in the business of the actress. And especially after this new revelation.

Amber Heard’s promise after divorcing Johnny Depp

Amber Heard, after her explosive breakup with Johnny Depp, said she did not want her ex-husband’s money, and pledged to donate the $7 million received as compensation to two separate charities. The two institutions which were to receive a donation from him were then Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (Children’s Hospital Los Angeles), and the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union).

Johnny Depp’s lawyers believed that Amber Heard was acting out the $7 million deal which would have been made to the charities previously mentioned. As a result, the latter tried to investigate to find out whether this payment took place or not. However, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) initially refused to reveal to them whether a transaction had indeed been carried out by Amber Heard, and if so, how much. Thereby, Johnny Depp has filed a complaint with the Supreme Court of New York, in an attempt to force the ACLU to reveal the amount of the sum collected. And we know now what it is, since the ACLU ended up talkingand in court, what’s more.

A broken promise

Amber Heard only donated $1.3 million of the $3.5 million she pledged to the ACLU as part of her divorce settlement with Johnny Deppand $500,000 probably comes fromElon Musk (who dated the actress after her divorce), according to Terence Dougherty, the general counsel and chief operating officer of the ACLU. And that still remains to be proven. According to the evidence listed so far indeed, only one of these payments came directly from Amber Heard, and it was a payment of $350,000performed in August 2016.

Other payments were a check for $100,000 issued by Johnny Depp, $500,000 paid from a fund of The Vanguard Group, and $350,000 paid from a fund of Fidelity International. According to Dougherty, the ACLU currently believes the $500,000 Vanguard paid came from a fund established by Musk. The billionaire had indeed sent an email to Anthony Romerothe ACLU’s executive director himself, indicating that Amber Heard would donate a total $3.5 million over 10 years.

If Elon Musk seemed to fundamentally believe in the approach of the actress (the sentence « I described your plan to donate $3.5 million to the ACLU over the next 10 years because you truly believe in what you are doing » found in an email sent by Musk in August 2016), Amber Heard has not made any further payments since.and never signed the pledge form that ACLU employees had prepared for her, according to Mr. Dougherty. He further stated:

We contacted Heard from 2019 for the next installment of her donation, and learned that she was struggling financially.

If Elon Musk saved Amber Heard for the first time during the first installments at the ACLU, the billionaire should now stay away from the actress. Alex Spiro, Elon Musk’s lawyer, indeed declared on April 27 that the business manager « would not testify » during the trial against Amber Heard to Johnny Depp. For her part, Amber Heard said a few days ago, during her trial, « never really liked Elon Musk »even when the two were dating.

And if you want to know what a huge risk the actress just took just before she testified, you can read our previous article on the subject.

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