TPMP: Cyril Hanouna invites Jawad Bendaoud before retracting, internet users outraged

TPMP: Cyril Hanouna invites Jawad Bendaoud before retracting, internet users outraged

the essential
Scandal after the aborted invitation of Jawad Bendaoud on the set of TPMP this Monday, May 23. Star host Cyril Hanouna had planned to invite « the landlord of Daesh » to his program broadcast on C8 but was forced to retract at the last moment in the face of numerous criticisms from Internet users and victims of the November 13 attacks. His justifications on set have outraged Internet users.

A backpedal that does not pass. By announcing the arrival on the set of Touche not at my post (C8) of the « landlord of Daesh » Jawad Bendaoud, the star host Cyril Hanouna has drawn the wrath of Internet users and victims of the attacks of November 13, 2015.

« On November 18, 2015, France discovered Jawad Bendaoud, ‘the landlord’. Released and then sentenced on appeal after the attacks for ‘concealment of terrorist criminals’, Jawad has served his sentence and has decided to come out of silence. He will speak this evening live in TPMP”, could we read on the Twitter account of the show. But faced with a major outcry from many Internet users, the show has since deleted its message, and pushed Cyril Hanouna to cancel the arrival of Jawad Bendaoud.

The tweet about Jawad Bendaoud was removed because the decision was made to cancel his appearance on the show. @Cyrilhanouna will explain everything to you tonight in #TPMP.

— TPMP (@TPMP) May 23, 2022

« Jawad Bendaoud was to be invited to TPMP tonight. In a case like this, only the opinion of the victims counts. So I made the decision to cancel the interview. I’ll explain everything to you this evening », he reacted on Twitter.

Jawad Bendaoud was to be invited to #TPMP this evening. In a case like this, only the opinion of the victims counts. So I made the decision to cancel the interview.
I’ll explain everything to you tonight

— Cyril Hanouna (@Cyrilhanouna) May 23, 2022

But the pill does not pass on social networks, starting with the victims of terrorist attacks. « It’s lunar », thus reacted in front of The Parisian Arthur Dénouveaux, president of the victims’ association « Life for Paris: November 13, 2015 ». “There is only one interest, it is to make a buzz on the back of the victims of November 13. I felt used by seeing that. If he comes to tell on a set another truth than the judicial truth, I have the impression that we are spit in the face”, continued Arthur Dénouveaux.

A shame to have just thought about the guest you insulted us all and that all the time with your executioners as a shameful scandalous guest you manage to sleep at night?! #TPMP

— Kitten ud83cudf1f official ud83dudc31 (@Chaton58480696) May 23, 2022

Thoughts to the victims of the attacks and their families, no doubt upset to learn that #TPMP invited the other moron.
It’s canceled but the damage is done

— Do (@Do20489981) May 23, 2022

@Cyrilhanouna always capable of the worst for the buzz! Shameful, abject, unforgivable! #Tpmp ?ud83dude21

— Isabel u24e9 (@Isabel723277471) May 23, 2022

Cyril Hanouna therefore had to justify this cancellation on the set of his show. « If we wanted to invite him, it wasn’t to do a complacent interview with Jawad. But it’s because we are watched a lot by young people, young people who sometimes don’t really know where they are and who can do anything and everything. They can find themselves in terrorist networks, or in networks of criminals. I wanted to invite him this evening to make him face up to his responsibilities and to show young people that it is not necessary to listen to everything and anything. »

The host explains that he decided to cancel Jawad Bendaoud after reading the tweet from Brunella Emmanuelli, close to a victim of the attacks. « Following this tweet, I made the decision not to receive it because for me, the main concerned are the victims and the families of the victims. I think I made the right decision. »

But those public apologies still don’t go down, especially on Twitter.

#TPMP Your decision, under the pressure, oh so legitimate of the victims and of any person provided with a brain and a soul, does not remove anything from the abomination of your initial idea?? Shame on you and all who approved from near or far.

— Marc Aurèle (@Alouette6315) May 23, 2022

What a completely boating explanation Mr. @Cyrilhanouna … in the perpetual search of the biz it is time to understand that certain limits cannot be exceeded… #tpmp #jawad

— ADF (@Alexandre_2_Fts) May 23, 2022

#TPMP #Jawad #hanouna
Oh the lame excuse!!!
« We wanted to invite the landlord to show the young people that we could be caught in a bad gear »
It smells like sweat from bad times!

— LCEDG (@LCEDG1) May 23, 2022

« Bogus excuse », « abomination », « boat explanations » … The justifications of the host do not seem to have convinced Internet users.

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