Vladimir Putin and Alina Kabaeva: this size index that says a lot about their relationship

Vladimir Putin and Alina Kabaeva: this size index that says a lot about their relationship

According to information published by Paris Match, Vladimir Poutine and Alina Kabaeva would indeed be in a relationship. The proof ? The presence of the young woman on one of the yachts which would belong to the Russian President.

But who really owns the Scheherazade, this luxurious yacht estimated at 700 million euros? For many months now, there have been many rumors that Vladimir Putin owns this huge boat. But it is his companion, Alina Kabaeva who is currently sailing on board. In any case, this is what our colleagues from Paris Match. Indeed, Gueorgui Alburov, close to Alexeï Navalny, opponent of imprisoned Putin, has made many confidences in the magazine. And according to him, this yacht does indeed belong to the Russian president.

In a video posted on Navalny’s YouTube channel, the man demonstrates that the crew members work for the FSO, the Federal Protection Service, whose mission is to ensure the safety of the Russian head of state and from his family. So if Alina Kabaeva is present on the yacht, it would confirm that she has a serious relationship with Vladimir Putin. For the moment, the companion of the leader has not been affected by the various international sanctions. But she could well find herself in the crosshairs of future sanctions.

Alina Kabaeva could be sanctioned

Indeed, the United States decided to remove her from the list of Russian people sanctioned, so that Vladimir Putin does not think that the Americans attack him directly, according to information from Paris Match. But she is not immune. And for good reason, Jen Psaki, spokeswoman for the White House, explained on April 25 that « no one is safe from (their) sanctions », according to The Washington Post. « It is likely that we will do more. » Threats that can therefore be implemented in the coming weeks.


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2/12 –

Vladimir Poutine
For many months now, there have been many rumors that Vladimir Putin owns this huge boat.


3/12 –

Vladimir Poutine
However, it is his companion, Alina Kabaeva who is currently sailing on board. This is in any case what our colleagues from Paris Match reveal.


4/12 –

Vladimir Poutine
Indeed, Gueorgui Alburov, close to Alexeï Navalny, opponent of imprisoned Putin, has made many confidences in the magazine.


5/12 –

Vladimir Poutine
And according to him, this yacht does indeed belong to the Russian president.


6/12 –

Vladimir Poutine
In a video posted on Navalny’s YouTube channel, the man demonstrates that the crew members work for the FSO, the Federal Protection Service, whose mission is to ensure the safety of the Russian head of state and from his family.


7/12 –

Vladimir Poutine
So if Alina Kabaeva is present on the yacht, it would confirm that she has a serious relationship with Vladimir Putin.


8/12 –

Vladimir Poutine
For the moment, the companion of the leader has not been affected by the various international sanctions.


9/12 –

Vladimir Poutine
But she could well find herself in the crosshairs of future sanctions.


10/12 –

Vladimir Poutine
Indeed, the United States has decided to remove her from the list of Russian people sanctioned, so that Vladimir Putin does not think that the Americans attack him directly, according to information from Paris Match.


11/12 –

Vladimir Poutine
But she is not immune. And for good reason, Jen Psaki, spokeswoman for the White House, explained on April 25 that « no one is immune from (their) sanctions », according to The Washington Post.

© Zuma Press

12/12 –

Vladimir Poutine
« It is likely that we will do more. » Threats that can therefore be implemented in the coming weeks.

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