Vladimir Putin: we know more about Alina Kabaeva, his hidden wife

Vladimir Putin: we know more about Alina Kabaeva, his hidden wife

the essential
Vladimir Putin’s supposed girlfriend, ex-gymnast Alina Kabaeva, is back in Russia. Rumors said she was hiding in Switzerland. Many gray areas surround the life of the young woman.

For several years, his life has been a novel and even a spy novel. Between mysterious disappearance, secret life and high security. Alina Kabaeva has become arguably the most mysterious woman in Russia. She is regularly presented as the companion of Vladimir Putin even if neither the Kremlin nor the young woman has ever officially confirmed this romantic relationship.

Alina Kabaeva was born 38 years ago in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, one of the republics of the former Soviet Union. His father is a footballer, his mother is a basketball player. When she was 12, her mother took her to Moscow to meet the coach of the Russian national rhythmic gymnastics team, Irina Viner. She has young Alina try out and recruits her. Irina Viner is married to Alicher Usmanov, one of Russia’s wealthiest people and a close friend of Vladimir Putin. As a child, little Alina imagined herself as an actress or a top model. She loves to dance.

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Alina Kabaeva between her mother and her sister.

Alina Kabaeva between her mother and her sister.
Photo MaxPPP

The most flexible woman in the world

Quickly, Alina Kabaeva imposes herself in her sport. European title in 1998, European title and world title in 1999, new European title and Olympic bronze medal at the Sydney Olympics in 2000. She earned the nickname « the most flexible woman in the world ». In 2001, during the « Goodwill games » in Australia, Alina Kabaeva tested positive for furosemide, a powerful diuretic, a banned substance. The International Gymnastics Federation then suspended her for a year.

Ironically, her world title goes to a gymnast… Ukrainian. That same year, the year of her 18th birthday, Anne Kabaeva received a decoration in the Order of Friendship from the hands of President Putin.

Vladimir Putin and Alina Kabaeva at the Kremlin on November 21, 2005.

Vladimir Putin and Alina Kabaeva at the Kremlin on November 21, 2005.
Kremlin pictures

After the sanction, the Russian champion again won new medals: European titles in 2002 and 2004, world titles in 2003 and 2007 and gold medal at the Athens Olympics in 2004. Her handling of the ball, the hoop or the ribbon revolutionize his sport.

Alina Kabaeva at the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships in Madrid, October 20, 2001.

Alina Kabaeva at the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships in Madrid, October 20, 2001.
Photo MaxPPP – Sergio_Barrenechea

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From sport to politics and the media

In 2006, according to the Russian tabloids of the time, Alina Kabaeva broke up with her boyfriend, a police captain. She would be « linked to Vladimir Putin » since that year according to an American diplomatic telegram revealed by Wikileaks, as recalled Paris Match.

The following year, she entered politics. She was elected deputy of Vladimir Putin’s « United Russia » party and became vice-president of the youth commission. In 2008, she was appointed chair of the Public Council, a watchdog of the National Media Group (NMG). In 2014, she took over as chair of the board of directors, a position she would still hold to this day.

Alina Kabaeva, who became an MP, in Moscow on April 20, 2011.

Alina Kabaeva, who became an MP, in Moscow on April 20, 2011.
Photo MaxPPP

Also in 2014, she was one of the Russian torchbearers for the Sochi Olympics in 2014. Surprising because gymnastics has never been a winter sport…

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Children, yes, but how many?

In 2014, Alina Kabaeva mysteriously disappeared from public space for four months. The rumor – but there is nothing to confirm it officially – indicates that she would have given birth to her first child in 2015 in a clinic in Switzerland. Russian media mention child births in 2009, 2012 or 2019 in Moscow. Rumor again suggests that Vladimir Putin could be the father.

From 2015, Alina Kabaeva is indivisible. Where does she live ? With how many children? What is she doing ? The mystery is complete. His accounts on deleted networks are deleted. Still according to rumors, there is talk that she lives in a villa in Cologny, on the heights of Geneva in Switzerland; but also in Valdai in Russia in one of Stalin’s old country houses; or even aboard a 140-meter-long yacht, the « Scheherazade », which anchors at Marina di Carrara in Italy.

2021: reappearance

In 2021, Alina Kabaeva is back in the public sphere to comment on the Toko Olympics on television. Again discreet in 2022, she is seen on April 21 at a gymnastics training. A Russian trainer posts a photo on Instagram.

Alina Kabaeva appears there with a swollen face and wearing a one-finger wedding ring, reviving rumors of marriage with the Russian president. Is she the new First Lady of the strongman of Russia? Nothing is official but everything suggests it.

A large gymnastics gala in his name, organized for his foundation, is scheduled for this Sunday, May 8, 2022 in Russia. In particular, young gymnasts must perform a choreography in military uniform to reenact the Soviet victory during the Second World War, says Paris Match.

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