What we know about the death of the son of chef Yannick Alléno, hit by a car in Paris

What we know about the death of the son of chef Yannick Alléno, hit by a car in Paris

A motorist driving a stolen vehicle hit Antoine Alléno, 24, while he was waiting at a red light on a scooter in the 7th arrondissement.

He was said to be « promising and talented ». Antoine Alléno was destined to follow in the footsteps of his father, multi-starred chef Yannick Alléno. Both had launched the restaurant « Burger Père et Fils » last year, of which the 24-year-old young man had taken the lead. But Antoine Alléno died on Sunday evening, hit by a motorist in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, while he was on two wheels.

A stolen car

It is around 11:30 p.m., just a few minutes before the accident. A black Audi model RS6 is parked at number 83 rue du Bac, not far from the site of the collision. Its owner is seated at the restaurant « Le Coya ».

A man comes to the valet with a fake ticket. The latter does not realize the subterfuge and gives him the keys to the car. The individual starts the engine and « flees » towards Avenue Bosquet, relates Jérôme Jimenez, Île-de-France manager of the Unsa Police union, at the microphone of BFM Paris Île-de-France.

Hit at a red light

The accident occurred at a red light, at the end of Avenue Bosquet. A VTC and a Cityscoot, driven by Antoine Alléno, are waiting when the driver arrives at high speed. Wanting to pass between the two vehicles, he violently hit the VTC then the two-wheeler.

Under the effect of the shock, Antoine Alléno and his passenger, aged 28, are projected. The chief dies before the intervention of the helps. The young woman suffered multiple bruises and was taken to Cochin hospital. But his vital prognosis is not engaged.

The driver of the VTC, who has no injuries, is also hospitalized. Only material damage is identified on his vehicle.

The driver in custody

Shortly after the impact, the driver attempted to flee on foot. But he was quickly arrested by an off-duty policeman from the Paris metropolitan area’s local security department (DSPAP).

Refusing to blow into the breathalyzer, he was transported to Pitié-Salpêtrière for blood samples.

· Investigation for aggravated manslaughter

The Paris prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation for aggravated manslaughter. The legal accident processing service was seized. The 25-year-old suspect remains in custody. According to Jérôme Jimenez, he is unfavorably known to the police.

A « deep sadness »

In a press release published on Monday, the family of Antoine Alléno and his relatives expressed their « deep sadness ».

« Antoine belonged to this new generation of cooks, determined to revolutionize the French gastronomic landscape. It is with great sadness that we share this sad news (…) In this painful period, the Alléno family and their loved ones are very sensitive to the benevolence and understanding of all, while respecting their privacy. »

Several leaders show their support

On social networks, several chefs reacted to the announcement of this news. « No words can describe the drama that mourns you, dear Yannick Alléno, » wrote three-starred chef Guy Savoy on Twitter.

On Instagram, Michel Sarran, two-star chef, says he is « in shock at such a tragedy. (…) So unfair and horrible ». Mohamed Cheikh, winner of Top Chef, says he welcomed this news « with great sadness ».

A note and flowers were placed in front of the restaurant « Burger Père et Fils », in tribute to the young man.

Melanie Vecchio with Florian Bouhot

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